Acevedo taking heat online for comments on 'Campus Carry'
AUSTIN, Texas - Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo is taking some heat online for something he said this week about Campus Carry.
Acevedo spoke to the Senate Committee on State Affairs Thursday hoping the Senators would reconsider both of the gun-related bills...licensed open carry and campus carry.
Here's something he said about campus carry:
"We potentially are turning sexual assault victims -- that we have a lot of resources to help these young people...turn into survivors through our victims services and so forth into potentially...murder victims," Acevedo said.
Senator Brian Birdwell, the author of the Campus Carry bill questioned him on that.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounded as if you said you would rather have a woman go through rape survival counseling than murder recovery," Birdwell said.
Acevedo was quick to correct the Senator.
"I don't want a woman to end up...not just a sex assault victim...but ends up being murdered with her own firearm because they haven't put in the training, the retention, the weapons retention," Acevedo said.
Regardless, the internet had a field day.
Several groups like Come and Take It, The Peaceful Streets Project and even the Thrall Police Department posted a meme of Acevedo that says "Raped on campus? Get counseling and get over it."
Fox 7 spoke with two women close to this debate.
Kristen Katz is with the Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus. Amanda Andeen is with Lone Star Gun Rights -- she supports Campus Carry.
Katz testified at Thursday's meeting.
"What Art Acevedo was saying is that he would rather a rape victim not turn into a murder victim and if there's a gun introduced into the situation, that's much more likely to happen," Katz said.
Andeen doesn't agree.
"I'm completely offended by it. Being a pregnant young adult myself, Art Acevedo wants me to be a victim and learn to just deal with it and overcome it instead of being able to use my own civil rights and self defense as a way to protect myself," Andeen said.
Katz says Campus Carry as a means to combat sexual assault is not logical.
"If a 100 pound woman has a gun and a 200 pound man tackles her, how likely is it that she's going to be able to get the gun out and shoot him before he gets it out of her hand," she said.
"If someone feels uncomfortable already walking alone on campus at night, she's gonna have her firearm and/or other weapon ready...or at least somewhere where she's going to be able to get to it easily. Therefore being able to prevent the 200 pound attack," Andeen said.
In response to these statements, Chief Acevedo tweeted "Proud to have testified on open carry and campus carry yesterday. Please do not let others twist my words."
Acevedo included a link to his testimony and then said "Thank you to all the college students who took the time to testify and to everyone who testified & have debated this issue in a civil manner."
Click right here to watch Acevedo's full testimony starting at the 2:44 mark.