Candidate claims her opponent in the campaign harassed her kids Halloween night | FOX 7 Austin

Candidate claims her opponent in the campaign harassed her kids Halloween night

There was more trick than treat last night for the family of MJ Hegar.

She's the Democratic candidate taking on US Representative John Carter in Williamson County. She claims that Carter supporters harassed her and threw candy at her children while trick-or-treating.

MJ Hegar posted a video on Twitter saying, “so I just got done trick or treating with my family and this is the second night in a row Carter campaign has harassed me and my family where we live."



Williamson County congressional candidate MJ Hegar sounding off on Twitter claiming the man's campaign she's up against harassed she and her kids the night of Halloween. She continues saying, "they were following my children and throwing candy at my children despite us telling them to stop."

Many folks sounded off on both Twitter and Facebook.Congressman John Carter’s campaign spokesperson, Emily Taylor, says the allegations are completely false, and Congressman Carter, lives in the same neighborhood as Hegar. "Like many excited trick or treaters they ran towards the candy and she proceeded to shout at her children to leave the candy alone and that was it,” Taylor says.



MJ Hegar posted this video.

The Texas Democratic Party says this shows the campaign truck passing by Hegar's home.

Hegar continues in the Twitter video, "This is exactly what's wrong with politics. Its egos and childish behaviors that makes people not want to run for office. All I can do about it is get back to work."

Taylor says, "Whenever campaign opponents get desperate they tend to pull out the stops whether it's true or not, and in this case it's simply not true. We have several eyewitnesses there who corroborate with our story and say we were just passing out candy to trick or treaters."

Emily Taylor, says Hegar deleted several responses from eyewitnesses on her Facebook page which had stated what carter's campaign has said. 

Taylor adds, "I think people are smart enough to see through false allegations."

Hegar ends her video on Twitter saying, "The only way things are going to change is if we get good people in office."

FOX 7 Austin asked both sides if there was a police report filed. I didn't hear back from Hegar's camp, after calling and emailing them. Carter's camp says they highly doubt Hegar did file a report.

Elections are next Tuesday.