FOX 7 Discussion: K9s4COPs foundation | FOX 7 Austin

FOX 7 Discussion: K9s4COPs foundation

K9s have a rich history of working with law enforcement and military units dating back to the 1800s. Police K9s receive specific training to assist law enforcement in ways other tools cannot.

K9s cost between $15,000-$25,000 per dog, and most law enforcement agencies struggle when budgeting for the purchase of a K9. What most departments can budget for however, is the required care, training and transportation of a K9. K9s4COPs was founded to bridge this gap and ensure that K9 cost never keeps an Officer from having their K9 partner.

Joining us in the FOX 7 studio to discuss this further is the founder of K9s4COPs, Kristi Schiller. 

To learn more about the foundation, click here.