One year since Buda teen hit and killed by train

This week marks one year since a 13-year-old girl was hit and killed by a train in downtown Buda. The family of Tanley Yacos wants to put a spotlight on the need for more education about train safety. Union Pacific is also taking action.

"We love that picture, it's a great one," says Alice Roe, Tanley's mother.

A mother's love is forever. Not a day goes by that Alice Roe doesn't think about her daughter Tanley.

"There's no words. No words to say how much she is missed in absolutely everything we do," says Roe.

The night of March 25, 2016, Tanley Yacos was having a friend stay over. After being tucked in, the girls somehow sneaked out of the house. Police say they were walking near the South Loop 4 and Houston Street tracks around 2:00 am. That's when a train came barreling toward them; Tanley didn't make it.

"When I got the call last year that it happened, I would have never expected that. Every time I think about that night, it's just so unbelievably shocking to me. People should be more aware, kids should be very aware, that you don't mess around with something like that," says Erin Seitz, Tanley's sister.

According to Operation Lifesaver, trains overhang the tracks by at least three feet in both directions. The non-profit organization has offered to spread awareness, because what the family wants to see most is increased education.

"We want Tanley rememebered but we, more than anything, want people to stay off the tracks and understand the dangers. It's happening too often and people just are unaware," says Roe.

They would also like some changes made.

"You can't get a ticket for walking on the tracks, all you get is a warning really.  There should be a ticket for trespassing," says Seitz.

They also want to see the speed of a train limited while passing through town. We reached out to Union Pacific to see what they have done since the accident. They tell us: "Our engineering department is evaluating the road crossings in the immediate area and discussing potential safety improvements with the roadway authority. Obviously safety is our top priority and we are constantly looking for ways to educate the public, including national and regionalized social media campaigns to prevent trespassing."

The family says they hope their love for Tanley, will in turn save a life.

"Nothing good will ever come from Tanley's death but good things come. You just sometimes have to really look for them," says Roe.

The family will have a candelight vigil on Main and Houston Street on Sunday, March 26th. They are meeting at 7:00 pm and ask that the community join them. For more information, click here. 
