'Richard Overton Avenue' debuts on 'oldest veteran's' 111th birthday | FOX 7 Austin

'Richard Overton Avenue' debuts on 'oldest veteran's' 111th birthday

The nation's oldest veteran who lives right here in Austin turned 111 on Thursday.
And as usual, his birthday celebration was an event to remember!

Richard Overton's 111th year on this Earth began Thursday morning at the University of Texas Club: a luncheon was held in his honor.
The party continued Thursday afternoon at his East Austin home, in his front yard.
Overton’s birthday this year is an even bigger deal than the last.
The Austin City Council helped give the street he's lived on for more than 70 years an honorary name -- Richard Overton Avenue.
He credits God for his longevity.  But he says whiskey and cigars helped too.              
The Fox 7 crew gave him a bottle of Makers Mark, apparently his favorite whiskey.

During the luncheon, Honor Flight chairman Allen Bergeron asked Overton: "How many cigars have you had this morning?"

"About 3 or 4.  Y'all been holding me down I guess," Overton said to laughter.

"Just last year he quit driving.  So he was driving at 110.  Very sharp, very sharp.  He's very aware of his surroundings and everyone always asks 'how do you do it?  What's your secret?'  And he always says God.  He's a very spiritual man," Bergeron told Fox 7.

Overton says he's looking forward to his 112th year.