Texas House of Representatives review potential benefits of "red flag" laws

In every mass shooting, investigators search for "red flags."

In Sutherland Springs the shooter previously escaped from a mental facility and had a domestic violence conviction and in Parkland, Florida law enforcement received multiple calls and warnings about the shooter but didn't follow up.

Lawmakers are now looking towards preventative measures and adopting the "red flag law." A statute that would allow local officials to take guns away from people, if a judge declares them a danger. It's gun regulation Ed Scruggs with Texas Gun Sense said has bi-partisan support.
"They protect public safety but they also safe guard constitutional rights it's not someone just grabbing guns for any reasons or anything of that nature there is a process to it," said Scruggs. "We've been trying to get to this stage for quite a while and it's just good that we finally have it."
The Texas House of representatives is reviewing current gun legislation Monday. It comes at the request of Governor Greg Abbott who recommended legislators weigh the pros and cons of a red flag law in Texas in his more than 40-page school and gun safety plan. However, pro-gun activist Michael Cargill argues there's already enough legislation in place.
"We don't need red flag laws we don't need any more gun storage laws we already have laws on the books we have emergency detention laws let's go ahead and put those in affect," Cargill said. "We are going to take a step backwards and I think that's the wrong step we need to take the offensive and not the defensive."
Other red states like Indiana have already jumped on board with "red flag laws." last year, a red flag bill was discussed in committee, but stalled after facing much push back.