Town hall meeting to be held on city's homeless ordinances | FOX 7 Austin

Town hall meeting to be held on city's homeless ordinances

A town hall meeting on the city's homeless ordinances is being held today so if you have an issue with the recent changes now is the time to say something.

The meeting, hosted by the Downtown Austin Alliance, will give people a chance to directly ask Austin Mayor Steve Adler and city council members Kathie Tovo, Ann Kitchen and Greg Casar questions.

City officials are also expected to address how they plan to move forward for solutions for those who are homeless.

The event is open to the public but you do have to RSVP if you want to attend.






The Downtown Austin Alliance is encouraging property owners, managers, workers and people who live in the downtown area to go to the meeting.

The town hall starts at 10 a.m. and is expected to wrap up at 11:30 a.m.