Georgia sheriff's new 'welcome sign' turning heads, going viral
HARRIS COUNTY, Ga. - A Georgia sheriff is creating social media waves again after posting yet another “welcome sign” in front of his headquarters.
Harris County Sheriff Mike Jolley created the latest bold welcome sign which reads:
"Our citizens have concealed weapons. If you kill someone, we might kill you back. We have one jail and 356 cemeteries. Enjoy your stay!"
SEE ALL: Georgia Sheriff Posts Sign to ‘Stir People's Belief'
This isn't the first time one of Sheriff Jolley's welcome sign went viral.
In November 2015, Jolley posted a sign that he deemed "politically incorrect" that read:
"Warning: Harris County is politically incorrect. We say: Merry Christmas, God Bless America, and In God We Trust. We salute our troops and our flag. If this offends you... Leave!"
Sheriff Jolley paid for the 2015 sign himself and it quickly turned into its own meme with its own T-shirt.
No word on any merchandise stemming from this latest sign.
RELATED: Sheriff's Controversial Warning Now a T-shirt