Texas boy’s reaction to Longhorns making playoffs goes viral | FOX 7 Austin

Texas boy's reaction to Longhorns making playoffs goes viral

An 11-year-old’s reaction to the University of Texas at Austin football team making the College Football Playoffs has gone viral, even getting the attention of the university’s president.

Sixth-grader Knox Kendall is a loud and proud Texas Longhorn fan. He was born into an Aggie family, though. He even came home from the hospital in an A&M maroon onesie, but Knox was curious at the age of three and wondered what the team in burnt orange was all about.

"Finally, my dad said, ‘that’s the enemy,’ and I’m like the enemy, I like the enemy and ever since, they couldn’t have stopped it," Knox Kendall said.

This was originally against his parents' wishes.

"As really good parents, as Aggie parents, but if we’re really good parents we’ll at least not be mad at him for being a Longhorn, but to get him stuff was like next level and to encourage it is the next level, but he was destined for it," Knox’s mother Brittany Kendall said.

When Knox found out the Texas Longhorns were in the College Football Playoffs, he became emotional.

"Everything was just rushing through my head like we’re in, no one can take this spot from us, we’re in, it’s locked, it’s good," Knox said.

His parents were supportive.

"I am a completely maroon Aggie, but I am bawling my eyes out because I’m so happy for him and for his team and all that this means to him," Kendall said.


The posted video received thousands of views, and even caught the attention of the university president.

"I’m going to put that as a supplemental part of his application," Kendall said.

The Longhorns face Washington in the Sugar Bowl on Jan. 1, 2024, and Knox has a message for the players.

"Guys, we’ve got this, there’s literally no one who can stop us, they beat us last year, use that as momentum, let’s go, hook ‘em," Knox said.

Knox said when the Longhorns play the Aggies next year in the SEC, he’ll be extra loud and proud.

Texas LonghornsUT AustinAustinSportsHeartwarming NewsCollege Football Playoff