12 key signs of breast cancer, as seen in viral image of lemons


A breast cancer awareness campaign went viral after a 38-year-old patient shared the image of 12 lemons, each showing a different sign of breast cancer, on social media. Erin Smith Chieze originally found a similar image two years ago, and credited it with saving her life after she used it for reference and was subsequently diagnosed with stage 4  breast cancer. Her January 10 Facebook post was shared over 33,000 times.

“I knew all about self exams, but a picture of what to look for keyed me into knowing I had a terminal disease,” Chieze wrote in the post.

The post shows an image from the Worldwide Breast Cancer Organization’s Know Your Lemons campaign, of 12 lemons each bearing a different defect that corresponds with a lesser-known symptom of breast cancer.

Chieze posted the image partly in response to a social media “game” where users posted hearts to secretly indicate breast cancer awareness support.

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