82 homicides for Austin this year, the most since 1984
82 homicides for Austin this year, the most since 1984
In a public safety meeting earlier this month, Austin Police Chief Joseph Chacon said overall violent crime is down 5% percent for the year.
AUSTIN, Texas - Homicides in the city of Austin are at an all-time high. In just the first two weeks of November, there's been six homicides. At this time last November, there was five.
On November 1st, James Traylor was shot multiple times in East Austin after a fight broke out after an alleged theft over a "bouncy house."
On November 4th, Mohammed Nasser was shot in the stairwell of an apartment complex in North Austin.
On November 5th, Brian Ocampo was shot to death in a mobile home park on SH 71 in Southwest Austin.
November 8th had homicides along North Lamar at the Mehl's Motel, on Harris Branch Parkway in Northeast Austin, and along South Congress.
Austin reaches 60 homicides, breaking city record for most in a year
This weekend's back-to-back homicides brought the City of Austin to a total of 60 homicides. Compared to this time last year, murders are up by 74%.
In a public safety meeting earlier this month, Austin Police Chief Joseph Chacon said overall violent crime is down 5% percent for the year.
"Our violent crime units continue to work collaboratively to try to affect our violent crime," Chacon said. "So working across the different divisions, including robbery, homicide, aggravated assault, the different units that we have, what we're trying to do is put a collective effort towards lowering this and other types of violent crime."
Austin Mayor Steve Adler told FOX 7 while homicides are increasing, Austin is still a safe city.
"Those numbers are going up and in cities across the country," said Adler. "But even with those numbers going up, our murder rate lost and is still one of the lowest among major cities."
Austin reaches 60 homicides, breaking city record for most in a year
Austin experiences highest number of homicides in 20 years
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