Women impacted by abortion laws file case against Texas | FOX 7 Austin

Women impacted by abortion laws file case against Texas

Five Texas women who experienced life-threatening pregnancy complications have sued the State of Texas after being denied an abortion.

Amanda Zurawski vs State of Texas is the first lawsuit of its kind where individual women sued a state over an abortion since Roe v Wade was overturned.

"I love Texas, and it kills me that my own state does not seem to care if I live or die," said Lauren Hall, a plaintiff in the lawsuit.

On Capitol grounds, an unlikely group of five women gathered to share their stories which unite them together.

"None of us want to be here. We have all become involuntary members of the most horrific club on the planet," said Amanda Zurawski, plaintiff in the lawsuit.

Each of them suffered severe, life-threatening complications during their pregnancies, and were refused abortions despite each having a medical emergency.

"My doctor could not intervene as long as [the baby’s] heart was beating or until I was sick enough for the ethics board at the hospital to consider my life at risk and commit the standard healthcare I needed at that point to get an abortion," said Zurawski.

It is a similar ultimatum all five women can recall being given by their doctor.

"I'll never forget when one specialist tore off his gloves and threw them at the trash. ‘I can't help you anymore, you need to leave the state'" said Lauren Miller, a plaintiff in the lawsuit.

The women have now teamed up with two Texas doctors and the Center for Reproductive Rights to sue the state of Texas.

"We filed this lawsuit to stop the unnecessary pain, suffering, injury, and life-threatening complications caused by Texas's abortion ban. We filed this lawsuit so that patients will not be hindered, delayed, or denied necessary obstetrical care, including abortion care," said Nancy Northup, President and CEO of Center for Reproductive Rights.

The lawsuit hopes to give clarification as to what is, and what is not a medical emergency exception for getting an abortion in the state. Those involved with the lawsuit say conflicting language has left doctors confused and scared to make the call in fear of being prosecuted if the wrong choice is made.

Abortion LawsTexas PoliticsTexas