Amazon expanding last-mile distribution facility to Round Rock | FOX 7 Austin

Amazon expanding last-mile distribution facility to Round Rock

Amazon has plans for an empty field in Round Rock off CR 172 and McNeil.

"This is that last stop between the customer and Amazon," said Bradley Dushkin, the director of planning and development services for the City of Round Rock.

By the end of 2025, it will be a last-mile distribution facility, bringing in 150–200 jobs.

Many of them will be drivers, picking up and delivering packages.

"Some of the benefits will be direct in the way of getting their Amazon packages sooner, but also there will be indirect benefits in that we will get a good amount of property taxes from this development there," said Dushkin.

The news is exciting for Round Rock, particularly since the city was just named the top-performing city in the U.S. by the Milken Institute.

"I think seeing Amazon come in and all the other businesses that are coming in, reflects that," said Dushkin.

But at a January council meeting, neighbors also expressed a few concerns.

"I respectfully ask Amazon to drastically scale down their proposed development in order to legitimately be harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood," said Brian Wills.

Some of the worries he expressed included traffic.

"I am concerned that trips run by Amazon will overwhelm the current roadway structure," said Wills.

The City of Round Rock said it will collect roadway impact fees and require Amazon to take a traffic impact analysis.

That way, the city can put money back into roads that need improvement the most.

"Just identifying all those improvements to help ensure that traffic doesn't just move efficiently but that it's safe as well," said Dushkin.


Developers are also taking lighting and noise pollution into consideration.

"All the lighting has got to be led-fully cut off, enhance sidewalks on CR 172," said Amanda Brown with HG Brown Consulting at the council meeting.

The City of Round Rock also said it has building height, noise, and design restrictions already in place.

Amazon said it's had eight optional public hearings in more than two years for its new neighbors, and they plan to keep the dialogue open.

"We want to be good neighbors," said an Amazon representative. "We have entered into this process in the spirit of being good neighbors, and we intend for that to continue."

Amazon sent the following statement to FOX 7 Austin:

"We appreciate our partnership with the city of Round Rock and are looking forward growing our investment in the community. There will always be questions before a new facility opens, which is why we participate in public forums with local officials and residents to answer questions and explain the value Amazon can bring to a neighborhood - including good jobs with competitive pay and benefits, like health care from the first day, up to 20 weeks paid parental leave, and prepaid college tuition."

Phase 1 of the project will likely see construction by the end of 2024.

Amazon hasn’t shared its plans yet for Phase 2.

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