APD seizes $1.25 Million in counterfeit items during North Austin raid | FOX 7 Austin

APD seizes $1.25 Million in counterfeit items during North Austin raid

The Austin Police Organized Crime Unit seized more than a $1 million worth of counterfeit items Friday morning. Police raided a warehouse in North Austin used by a company accused of selling knock off Dell computer equipment online.

"There are several hundred batteries, there are also believed to be counterfeit headphones here among some of that merchandise. But estimates right now are approximately $1.25 million worth of counterfeit property," Lt. Kurt Thomas, of the APD Organized Crime Unit, said.

Police said the company "Grindtech Trading" was selling counterfeit items on Amazon under the name "xxtremelion". APD, along with Dell Inc., were made aware of the scheme after a customer reported an issue with a battery they purchased from the site in August.

"Through utilizing the previous undercover buys that Dell made and through undercover operations by our own investigators our investigators obtained a search warrant for this business," Lt. Thomas said.

Police said the owner of Grindtech was not arrested during the raid but he is facing charges. This is the 15th successful raid APD has conducted under the Intellectual Property grant, which has led to the seizure of almost $2 million worth of music, movies, shoes, and other items.

"This is a significant event for all the consumers especially those that may have been thwarted by the counterfeit efforts by this business and it is significant for those companies who are having there companies misrepresented by these fraudulent efforts," Lt. Thomas said.

APD said they will release the suspects identity after they press state trademark and counterfeit violation charges. He is described as a white male in his 30's. They are also asking anyone who thinks they have bought a counterfeit item to call 512-974-8600