Armed store owner turns tables on armed robbers at South Austin pawn shop
AUSTIN, Texas - Security camera video from a South Congress car lot shows Austin police units Sunday night racing down the roadway in response to a robbery and shootout at a pawn shop in South Austin.
The incident happened in and outside of the Mustang Pawn Shop near the Stassney Lane intersection. A witness says that shortly before 7:00 p.m. several men, armed with assault rifles got the drop on an employee. Once inside they smashed a jewelry display and grabbed what they could. When they ran out, the store owner reportedly gave chase with a shotgun.
A shootout followed, which apparently smashed a window at a business across the street. The violent confrontation was justified according to a neighbor, who didn't want to give his name but knows the store owner.
"Well, in this case, I think it’s all self-defense, you have to draw a line, and stop this mess that’s happening, they could have killed everybody in there,” said the neighbor.
The bandits drove down Red Bird Lane but their sedan was damaged by several shotgun blasts. They didn't get far and the men abandoned the vehicle they were in and the items they had stolen. They then got into a waiting vehicle and drove away.
No one near the gunfight was hurt.
Some of those who spoke to FOX7 said they sought cover by falling to the floor. Others said they are frustrated by the growing crime problem.
"It’s an overflow of gang wars and little thugs that are running around that have access to all the guns, and how they do it is, they just kick the door in and take them,” said the neighbor.
The solution, according to the resident, is simple but potentially deadly.
"Start shooting back, all the people around here, are pretty much armed."
The pawn shop robbers are believed to have left behind the guns they used in the hold-up.