ATCEMS: Mutliple people stabbed in SE Austin

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First responders with ATCEMS treated multiple stabbing victims in southeast Austin on Sunday night. 

In total, five people were injured during this stabbing.



At this time, it is unclear what led up to the stabbing. 

According to ATCEMS, , multiple people were stabbed at the Fairway Apartments, in the 6100 block of Fairway Street. When ATCEMS arrived on scene, they found five victims. 



One of the victims has critical, life-threatening injuries.

According to the Austin Police Department, he was stabbed mostly in the torso and upper body.

Two of the other victims were women. Both have serious but non life-threatening injuries. Their injuries included blunt force trauma to the lead and upper extremities. Another victim, a male, suffered from a stab wound. 

The fifth victim had minor injuries and was not taken to the hospital. 

It is unclear if APD is looking for a suspect at this time. 

This is a developing story and will be updated with more information as it becomes available.