ACL 2022: Zilker Park closes to public as preparations begin

Zilker Park was buzzing Monday morning, but not with runners and dog walkers.

Crews were putting up fences and taking care of other preparations ahead of the massive annual production known as the Austin City Limits Music Festival (ACL).

The Great Lawn is shut down to the public starting Monday through the festival, which takes place the second and third weekend in October.

Stratford Drive will be closed from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. starting this week and will be closed much of the time in the next few weeks. Other road and parking lot closures in the surrounding area will fluctuate over the next few weeks, and a detailed schedule can be found here

Some areas will be open but have lane closures or flagging operations which may cause delays.

For festival-goers wanting to plan transportation ahead of time, there is a free shuttle service from Republic Square Park. CapMetro offers routes as well. 

Bicyclists and scooter-riders can plan on utilizing this detour map found here.

During the festival, there will be no parking at Zilker Park or in the surrounding neighborhoods.

For general information on the festival, click here.

Austin City Limits Music FestivalZilker ParkTransportation