Austin City Manager Marc Ott relaxes watering restrictions

The City of Austin released the following press release to FOX 7...

Austin Relaxes Watering Restrictions to Conservation Stage

After nearly a four-year stretch of Stage 2 Water Restrictions, City Manager Marc Ott has declared that Austin in now in Conservation Stage.

The revised Water Conservation code maintains its five stages of water use restrictions but offers greater flexibility for irrigation and home car washing. The changes are a result of lessons learned during the recent drought and considerations for future demand and water supply challenges.

Residential and commercial customers using hose-end sprinklers will be given two designated watering days each week. Customers with automatic irrigation systems may water on a designated watering day during the week, but may also water on a specified weekend day with a hose-end sprinkler. Designated watering days are still determined by street address while drip, hand-held and tree/vegetable irrigation will continue to be allowed anytime.

The five stages of the Water Conservation Code are:

Conservation Stage  Twice/week with hose-end sprinkler, once/week with automatic systems (may use hose-end on second day). Car washing with bucket and/or hose with automatic shut-off nozzle.

  • Stage 1  Same as Conservation Stage but with reduced times for irrigation.
  • Stage 2  All customers on a one day per week watering schedule, with stricter time limitations. Car washing allowed with a bucket only.
  • Stage 3  All customers on a one day per week schedule with stricter time limitations. Car washing allowed with a bucket only.
  • Stage 4  Emergency response stage, no outdoor irrigation allowed.