Rent in Austin: How much you need to make per hour to afford it | FOX 7 Austin

Rent in Austin: How much you need to make per hour to afford it

Austinites know things can get expensive, and a new report reveals just how much it costs to live comfortably in the "Live Music Capital of the World". 

The National Low Income Housing Coalition released its 2022 Out of Reach report, which breaks down living costs in each US state. 

According to the report, the Austin-Round Rock area is the most expensive area in all of Texas.

The average Texan needs to make a minimum of $22.54 an hour and work full-time to afford a two-bedroom apartment. If you want to live around the Austin area, however, you have to make over $5 more than that per hour.


The average Austin resident needs to make $27.90 an hour to afford a two-bedroom rental home or apartment. 41% of those living around the area are renters, with the average renter making an estimated $26.69 an hour.

Two-bedroom rentals in the Austin area cost an average $1,451 per month, almost $300 more than the state average of $1,172. 

The high cost of living isn't constricted to just Travis County. Counties surrounding Austin, like Williamson, Hays, Bastrop and Caldwell, are all averaging the same cost of living.

Martin County, Lynn County and Falls County are among the lowest cost of living in Texas, with average residents needing to earn $14.56 an hour at a full-time job to afford a two-bedroom.

To view the full report, click here.

AustinHousingMoneyHays CountyWilliamson CountyBastrop CountyCaldwell County