Austin Disaster Relief Network collecting survivor care kits to send to Florida | FOX 7 Austin

Austin Disaster Relief Network collecting survivor care kits to send to Florida

Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN) is collecting survivor care kits to send to people in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.

"We are inviting the Austin area residents to come and help our Florida neighbors by donating survivor care kits," Kat Cannon, marketing and communications director for ADRN, said. "We know that thousands of Orlando area residents and thousands more across Florida are really needing that help and support right now."

If you want to donate, ADRN recommends putting things like hygiene products, pillows, and blankets in a plastic container.

Kits can be customized for men, women, children, and families.

"Whenever there is a disaster like this, even if it's outside the greater Austin area, we listen to our partners on the ground to see what is needed in that area," Cannon said.


Recently, ADRN has sent kits to Louisiana and Kentucky after other disasters. "We have seen this in action over and over and over again," Cannon said.

Kits can also simply brighten someone's day.

"When you're donating a survivor care kit, and especially when you put a little note of encouragement at the top, that little personal touch, you're really donating hope," Cannon said. "You're letting them know, you're not alone. You're letting them know there is hope that tomorrow could be better even though today is really, really rough."

You can bring donations Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to the ADRN Headquarters or the Hope Family Thrift Store, located at 1122 E. 51st Street, Austin, TX.

ADRN is hoping to get its first shipment out on October 10. For more information and a list of recommended items and assembly instructions, click here.

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