Austin ISD continues to move forward with mask mandate | FOX 7 Austin

Austin ISD continues to move forward with mask mandate

In just a few days, Austin ISD will welcome back students after announcing it will be requiring masks despite Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order.

"We will require masking of all individuals, all visitors on all district property," said AISD Superintendent Dr. Stephanie Elizalde.

Monday, AISD Superintendent Dr. Stephanie Elizalde made the call to mandate masks. She wrote in Time magazine that she realizes that the governor’s order may mean that AISD will be fined, but she would rather pay money than risk a child’s life.

I am responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of each and every one of our students and staff," she said.

A decision that left many AISD parents thrilled.

"It's just a testament to how much they care about public health and the health of their students and families," said Sharyn Vane, an AISD parent.

Many other school districts around Texas also made the decision to mandate masks in school.

Austin-Travis County leaders also stepped up to back school districts like AISD by signing several orders requiring masks in public schools and city/county buildings.

"We are supporting the school districts that are trying to take this action. We're trying to do everything we can to keep everyone safe, especially our kids. The best way for us to do that is for more and more people to be wearing masks, especially our kids in school," said Mayor Steve Adler.

Mayor Adler says he realizes this goes against the Governor’s order, but he said masks are needed and this is the only option.

"No one wants to be in court with a governor because that makes some people think that this is political or partisan, and it's not. It is just an effort to try and keep our kids and the rest of our community safe, but the governor's left school districts across the state with no choice," said Mayor Adler.

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Central Texas Schools and COVID-19CoronavirusCoronavirus VaccineGreg Abbott