Austin makes top ten list for package thefts in US metro areas

The Austin area has made a top ten list ranking U.S. metro areas where porch pirates strike the most. 

A new Texas law made porch plundering a felony this year, but that hasn’t stopped the Austin-metro area from snagging the top ten spot. 

According to Safewise, Austin has the 7th highest number of package thefts out of any U.S. metro area year-round. Last year, Austin ranked ninth year-round and first during the holidays.

RELATED: "Porch pirate" law makes package theft state-jail felony

“Consider an alternative [package] delivery. So, if you’re gonna be at work when the package is delivered, have it delivered there, or if you live in an apartment complex, maybe have it delivered at that complex there, that way you can ensure your package is safe when it is delivered.” suggested Austin Police Officer Destiny Silva. 

RELATED: Round Rock PD receives international award for preventing porch pirating

Silva also recommends signing for packages and installing a doorbell camera.

“So you can monitor and know when your packages have been delivered," Silva said.

If you believe a package has been stolen, Silva says you should call 311 and file a report. 

Us Tx/travis County/austinCrime Publicsafety