Austin police offers Halloween safety tips for children, adults

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The Austin Police Department is sharing Halloween safety tips to make the holiday safe for kids and adults.

APD is encouraging parents to follow a few safety precautions as their kids go out for their yearly trick-or-treating.

Before kids get out on the streets, parents are encouraged to know their trick-or-treater's candy route and check that all costumes, shoes, and treat bags are safe. Parents should also remind their kids to take a flashlight and not to enter a stranger's house or car.

APD says parents should set rules about kids not eating any treats until they can be inspected at home and that any opened candy should be thrown away and any homemade treats or fruit should be inspected closely before consuming.

While out trick-or-treating, parents should remind their kids to never cross the street from between parked cars, to watch open flames from jack-o-lanterns especially with long wigs and costumes, to only visit well-lit homes, and to not enter any homes unless they know the people. Kids should also not cut across yards and stay out of backyards, follow all traffic signals and not jaywalk or cross mid-block, and watch for cars backing up or turning.

APD says to make sure that any fake knives, swords or guns are made from cardboard or other flexible materials to avoid accidental injury or having them mistaken for real weapons. Kids should also carry a spare Halloween bag in case one breaks or gets too full.

Kids should also be reminded to respect others and their property.

Those who expect trick-or-treaters should turn on their porch light, move lit jack-o-lanterns to a safe area, remove any objects from the yard that could be a safety hazard, drive slowly all evening and report any suspicious or criminal activity to the police.

For the adults who may be celebrating, APD says to make sure any accessories or costume weapons are not mistaken for the real thing, check your costume for fire safety and visibility, and remember adults in costume can be scary to young kids.

The Austin Police Department is also conducting a No Refusal Initiative and closing streets to cars in the Sixth Street area.

APD to conduct No Refusal, Sixth Street safety plans on Halloween

Halloween falls on Thursday this year and the initiative will be in place from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. According to APD, Halloween weekend is often associated with parties and gatherings where alcohol is present.