Austin realtors hand delivers care kits, vital info to those experiencing homelessness

It's not something you expect to see, a crowd of real estate professionals, coming together to conduct outreach to those experiencing homelessness. It happened in Austin on Tuesday.

"This is our first annual service day. We are going to try to make this a yearly event," said Cord Shiflet, president, Austin Board of Realtors.

ABOR partnered with Community First Village and mobilized more than 250 volunteers to assemble care kits full of non-perishable food, hygiene products and education on affordable housing.

"Home prices are a real concern with us, especially affordable housing. We are really trying to work with the development office in the City and getting the right politicians in office to make sure we continue to get those entitlements done and get properties approved faster," said Shiflet.

The group realized the power they do have to help people, no matter what their socioeconomic status is, especially as the city grows.

"Realtors are kind of the first person they see when they come to the city, we need to show that we care about our backyard," said Shiflet.

The group spent the day giving out the kits and vital information in all parts of town.

"We are in the housing business right? Some of them are marginally housed, so we feel like it's a great opportunity to hand them something nice, make them lift their esteem for a moment in their day," said Kent Redding, real estate broker and volunteer.

The team was able to assemble at least 1,500 bags and reach countless people who needed the resources and information. Ultimately the group hopes they made a positive impression on people on their day of service.

"At the end of the day it matters more if we are all there for one another," said Louisa Grisebaun, realtor and volunteer.

Homeless CrisisAustin