Austin Water needs to make changes, external audit finds

Austin Water needs to make some changes, according to a new report released Wednesday by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin.

The report is over 200 pages long.

Handcox, Davis, and Ullrich are the three water treatment plants under Austin Water.

One of the biggest issues is poor communication between staff and higher ups as well as to the city and to the media.

Another major issue is staffing.

11 of 32 jobs at Ullrich are unfilled – a 30% deficit in staffing.

They add that operating teams sometimes only have two operators on a team and that it's not safe when supervisors, superintendents, and mechanics are not at the plant.

They also say staff injury is possible and working with just 70% of the required people could lead to operator burnout.

They also add that some staff don't have what's called a D Level Operating License. That's the entry-level license for a treatment operator.

Council member Alison Alter, who authored the resolution asking for this audit, tweeted saying, "I hope that one day, Austin can serve as an example for other cities grappling with water quality & supply issues brought on by the climate crisis. That starts with transparency and accountability."

The next thing that will have to happen is an implementation plan.

AustinAustin City Council