How Austin Watershed prepares for flood events in North Austin neighborhood
CTX roads closed due to flooding
Widespread rain in Central Texas has led to the closure of numerous low water crossings.
AUSTIN, Texas - Last year, FOX 7 Austin told you about residents on Mearns Meadows Blvd. in North Austin who were frustrated because their homes flooded due to debris clogging a culvert.
While the neighborhood did not flood because of the recent rain, we checked with the Watershed Protection Department to see what they're doing to make sure flooding doesn't happen again.
Flooding in Hays County
Heavy rains Monday morning have led to floodwaters in yards, parks and over roads in Hays County.
- Residents in neighborhood that flooded say city didn't communicate about filing claims
- North Austin neighborhood floods during Thursday storms, residents blame city
This is what they told us:
"There are many houses in the floodplain of Little Walnut Creek in the Mearns Meadow area that remain at risk of flooding. We encourage those living in a floodplain to have a plan in place in case of a flood. Residents can visit to learn about flood safety and preparedness.
In the Mearns Meadow area, construction is underway on a $19.7 million project which will greatly reduce the risk of flooding for homes in the floodplain when it is completed. Residents can learn more at We have also installed a camera along Little Walnut Creek at the Quail Valley and Mearns Meadow crossing to provide real-time channel conditions. Residents can view the camera at
Watershed Protection proactively maintains our drainage system of pipes, ponds, ditches and creeks throughout the year. Last year, our team cleared debris from 44 miles of creeks, channels, and ditches in response to the 2023 Winter storm. This is 10 times more than previous years. This work included the Little Walnut Creek watershed in which the Mearns Meadow neighborhood is located.
Before a storm, we inspect culverts with the greatest flood risk and remove any debris present as well as make preparations to barricade flooded roadways. Watershed Protection’s Flood Earning Warning System (FEWS) monitors upcoming weather events and flows in our creeks using a citywide network of gauges, including at critical low water crossings. We have an operations team on call 24/7 who can be activated and deployed to place barricades at crossings that may overtop due to a rain event. We also have staff on call to respond to 311 calls from concerned residents related to upcoming and ongoing rain events.
Residents should always report any debris in creeks or concerns with drainage infrastructure to Austin 3-1-1."