Bad news from the CDC: America's death rate is on the rise | FOX 7 Austin

Bad news from the CDC: America's death rate is on the rise

More bad news from the CDC: America's death rate is on the rise, after a decade of decline. Typically, with improvements in health and medical technology, we see people living longer. But that wasn't the case this past year.

The good news is we're getting better at fighting cancer. The bad news is those gains don't make up for other lethal factors. Deaths increased due to firearms, drug overdoses, accidental injuries, hypertension, stroke, and Alzheimer's.

Don't despair yet- even though they were surprised, researchers also say that it's just one year- so it's too soon to determine if this is an actual trend or a weird blip. Everyone, the CDC included, is curious to see where this goes. To ensure you’re around for next year’s report, please, please take care of yourself.
