New affordable housing complex opens for Austin's homeless population

A new affordable housing complex for Austin's homeless population opened in North Austin.

The new community, Balcones Terrace, is located just off of Loop 360 where it houses 123 units. The building used to be a hotel but was renovated and redesigned.

The community is for single adults who are, or have been homeless, or are living on extremely low and fixed incomes.

Fifty project-based vouchers from the Housing Authority of City of Austin (HACA) have been awarded.

MORE: City of Austin continues to address homeless crisis

Residents will have access to various on-site services and amenities, including case management, a food pantry, community room, courtyard, community kitchen, exercise room, computer lab, and TV room.

"This is not just a roof over a head. It is a new chance. It is hope, it is stability, it's love that otherwise would be lost," said Austin Mayor Kirk Watson.

"These places save lives and give chances to people like me and like you, like all of us," said Kellie Alexander, resident of Foundation Communities' Skyline Terrace.

The Austin Housing Finance Corporation owns the property and has executed a 55-year lease agreement with Foundation Communities as the long-term manager and service provider.

The conversion project was designed by Kirksey Architecture, a Texas-based architecture firm known for its expertise in sustainable design.

For more information, click here.

Homeless CrisisNorth Austin