Betting on the UT, Notre Dame game: Two mayors, two teams, one friendly wager

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There's a lot of excitement in Downtown Austin this weekend, as college football season gets underway with the University of Texas taking on Notre Dame. Also getting under way that many fans are excited for, tailgating.  Tim Taylor has been going to the UT tailgates for more than 20 years, “One of our guys got in line at 11:30 last night, slept in his car,” he said.

On any given block near the stadium, you'll find a lot of barbecue, beer, and a sea of orange.  With a little bit of blue mixed in.

One special fan is in town and Austin Mayor Steve Adler was dubbed with the task of showing him around. “We are trying to immerse Mayor Pete here into Austin, Texas,” he said. Pete Buttigieg is the Mayor of South Bend and a Notre Dame fan, which Mayor Adler has some history with.  “I lost my very first mayors bet a year ago, I was a brand new mayor. We are going double or nothing this time so we got to pull it out,” he said. On the line, “Texas BBQ for some South Bend Honey and Chocolate, I am excited about that.”

The pair both went behind their enemy lines visiting Notre Dame and UT tailgates. “Everybody is so excited about the game, the season is starting, everybody is pretty happy,” Mayor Adler said. “I got to say that the Texas folks have been so welcoming, so kind, and I really appreciate   the chance to be here,” Mayor Pete said.

So who do they think will take it? Mayor Pete said he’s sticking with his team, “I think the Irish will have it. I think it will be close. I think we will prevail.” Mayor Adler staying true to UT, “I think Texas is going to win. It's going to be a great game and a close game but we are going to pull it out in the end,” he said.