California woman offers $7K reward, flies plane banner to find her stolen dog

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A San Francisco woman is offering a $7,000 reward for her blue-eyed miniature Australian Shepherd stolen from outside a grocery store. She has hired a plane to fly a banner over the city in hopes of finding him.

Emilie Talermo said Thursday she has been doing everything she can to find her dog, Jackson, since it was stolen Saturday outside a grocery store in the Bernal Heights neighborhood.

“I am just one person and I really need help getting the word out there,” Talermo said.

Surveillance video from the grocery store shows a man in a hoodie approaching the bench where Jackson was tied up.

Talermo and her friends have distributed thousands of flyers with the photo of the 28 pound dog with a white, black, and gray fur and bright blue eyes.

She also set up a website,, where she's offering a $7,000 reward, "no questions asked," and even opened an account for the sweet-faced dog on Tinder.

“He's always with me. It's a very real love," Talermo said, her voice breaking. “I just need help finding him.”

She hired an airplane for $1,200 to fly a banner that will have the search website address on it and will circle over San Francisco and Oakland for two hours Thursday.

To help finance her search for the dog, Talermo launched a GoFundMe, where she has raised more than $7,000 since Tuesday. She plans to donate the extra money to Rocket Dog Rescue.

Talermo said she got the 5-year-old Jackson in New York. They moved to Los Angeles and then to San Francisco.

“Those people I've met throughout the years know my love for this dog. I'm just blown away by everyone's support,” she said.

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