CapMetro launches new app, fare system | FOX 7 Austin

CapMetro launches new app, fare system

CapMetro is launching a new app and fare system, which includes some cost-saving features.

The new CapMetro App features AMP, a new account-based fare program which offers "fare capping." AMP is only available in the new app, not the previous CapMetro ATX app.  

"Fare capping" allows riders to pay per ride for bus and rail services and experience cost savings, similar to paying for a daily or monthly pass upfront, says the transit agency.

The AMP account will track each ride a customer takes, and once they’ve spent the equivalent of a daily pass in a service day, they will not be charged for any other trips the rest of the day. Similarly, once a customer spends the equivalent of a 31-day pass in a calendar month, they will not be charged for the rest of their rides until the next month.


There will also be a new fair tier, Equifare, a discount program for qualifying low-income riders. CapMetro also offers a reduced fare program for those 65 and older and with disabilities. To receive these discounts in the new app, riders will have to be enrolled and associate their account to their AMP Card.

Riders will only be able to access these benefits by downloading the new app or purchasing a physical AMP card at the Transit Store. Physical cardholders can also manage their account at supporting retailers.

CapMetro ambassadors will be available at several different stops and routes through the end of October to help transition riders and answer questions.

The previous CapMetro ATX app will be deactivated in November, so riders are advised to use up current passes before deleting it. Passes purchased through the old app will not transfer.

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