Caregiver Nation initiative to raise awareness, support for caregivers
Caregiver Nation initiative
Shirley Trapani, the special projects manager for the Area Agency on Aging, joins FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren to talk about a nationwide initiative this month.
AUSTIN, Texas - Local organizations are working to raise awareness and support for caregivers at an upcoming event.
Shirley Trapani, the special projects manager for the Area Agency on Aging, joins FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren to talk about a nationwide initiative this month.
MIKE WARREN: Let me ask you this. What do people need to know about Caregiver Nation?
SHIRLEY TRAPANI: Caregiver Nation is a national strategy as part of the National Alliance for Caregiving. It's a nationwide initiative to bring states together in support of family caregivers.
MIKE WARREN: Why is November such an important time to raise awareness about this?
SHIRLEY TRAPANI: November is extremely important time because it is National Family Caregivers Month. And we are celebrating National Family Caregivers Month through our series of presentations and activities that we will be doing on behalf of Caregiver Nation throughout the year. But we're kicking it off starting next week with our first presenter.
MIKE WARREN: You know, talk about these events that people should look out for this coming month.
SHIRLEY TRAPANI: Yes. So our very first event is going to be held next Tuesday. We have a presenter named Jessica Cannon who will be speaking on the Caregiver's Trinity, which is a module on stress reduction techniques for family caregivers. She will be going through that module and in the future, throughout the next year, we will be holding a series of caregiver activities and events to support family caregivers.
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MIKE WARREN: Are these events something for people who are already caregivers or people who are soon to be caregivers?
SHIRLEY TRAPANI: These events are for people that are caregivers, who will, who may become caregivers, who have been caregivers or who may need caregiving.
MIKE WARREN: You know, the caregivers that are helping people right now. What sort of benefits are they going to be able to glean from some of these events?
SHIRLEY TRAPANI: The caregivers will receive information on resources, how to navigate their journeys, how to have practical strategies as caregivers for physically taking care of someone, emotionally taking care of someone financially. There's just a range of items that a caregiver goes through in their personal journeys.
MIKE WARREN: Shirley Trapani, the special projects manager of the Aging Services Council, thank you very much for joining us.
SHIRLEY TRAPANI: Thank you for having me.