On-demand rideshare CARTS Now expands to Elgin, La Grange | FOX 7 Austin

On-demand rideshare CARTS Now expands to Elgin, La Grange

A new rideshare option for people living in rural areas is heading to Elgin and La Grange this week.

"We just want to provide the best service that we can to the rural communities," said Dana Platt, the community engagement director for the Capital Area Rural Transportation System, or CARTS.

CARTS offers a variety of rides in nine Central Texas counties, but it will expand its on-demand program on Tuesday to Elgin and La Grange.

It's called CARTS Now, which currently operates in Taylor, Bastrop, Marble Falls, and Lockhart.

"We know by the services we're already providing in the other cities that it's really popular, and it does really well," said Platt. "I think in Lockhart, we're doing about 130 trips daily, so we just thought Elgin would be the perfect small city for it."

Using the CARTS Now app, riders can call a bus in about 15 minutes, then travel anywhere within city limits.

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(Lauren Rangel)


In downtown Elgin, small businesses say it’s a welcome addition to the city.

"We don't see a lot of traffic as far as locals coming in," said Stephanie Ross, owner of The Painted Raven.

She moved here two years ago from Austin and said the lack of transportation options is noticeable.

 "A lot of people don't drive downtown," said Ross. "The people that live downtown walk but other than that there's not a lot of transportation options to get around town."

She's hopeful CARTS Now will bring more business to her store.

"Absolutely, anything would be greatly appreciated and utilized," said Ross.

At just two dollars a ride, it won't cost a fortune to get on board.

"We think that they deserve the same access to goods that other city services provide," said Platt.

For seniors or people with a disability, tickets will be just a dollar.

The system officially launches in Elgin and La Grange on Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 7 a.m. and it will run every weekday until 7 p.m. The first 90 days will also be free for passengers.

TransportationElginLa Grange