Cat rescued from utility pole in Thrall

You've heard of cats getting stuck in trees, but on a utility pole?

One cat ended up on top of a utility pole in Thrall, prompting a rescue operation that ended with the cat jumping down and running off. Thrall police documented the rescue in a Facebook Live, showing Oncor crews going up in a bucket to get the cat down.

"The feline took a leap of faith and appeared to be in good health as it fled," Thrall police said in a comment.

Thrall police first reported the cat at 12:20 p.m. March 4, sharing pictures and reporting that Oncor was responding, but was backed up due to the storm.

It's unclear at this time how the cat got up on the pole or how long the poor kitty was up there.

Pets AnimalsUs Tx/williamson County/thrall