Caught on camera: couple catches package thief stealing from doorstep

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The couple's "Nest" surveillance camera caught a man driving up to their home while no one was there, around lunch time.

Wallis and Brent Meshier had a package stolen back in August. It had time sensitive medication which cost more than $1,000.

“So we put up a Nest cam,” said Wallis Meshier.

Just a few weeks later, they caught this on camera. You can see a man driving up and grabbing the amazon package. This makes twice they've been hit.

“He's probably just a coward and this is an easy way to prey on people without getting into any sort of altercation,” Meshier said.

The Meshiers aren't alone. They say their neighbors have been hit. Just last month in Cedar Park Police say , a group of three were arrested for stealing packages, two of them were released on bond. Police are not saying if this is one of the people in the video.

As the holiday season approaches, more people will be ordering online. Police say there are ways to avoid getting packages taken.

“Send it to your local post office, or if you live in an apartment complex have it shipped to the office,” said Officer Destiny Winston, APD.

As for the Meshiers they're just hoping they don't get hit again by whoever this is in the video

“I hope police catch up with him before he has the opportunity to do this to more people,” Meshier said.

Another tip: if you know you won't be home, send the package to a relative who will be home or require a signature for delivery.  If you can recognize that man on the camera please call Austin police immediately at 512-472-TIPS.