CDC guidelines on what do during a boil water advisory | FOX 7 Austin

CDC guidelines on what do during a boil water advisory

The Centers for Disease Control has guidelines for what to do when a boil water advisory has been issued. Austin Water has issued a boil water notice for all its customers.

Boiling Water

CDC says boiling is the surest method to kill disease causing organisms including viruses, bacteria and parasites.

If water is clear:

If water is cloudy:

Officials say you can also use portable water filters to remove disease causing parasites from drinking water but they advise most portable water filters do not remove bacteria or viruses. To get more info about water filters from the CDC you can go here.

CDC says you can also make water safe by distilling it or boiling water and collecting the steam in a clean container so it turns back into water.

For more specific details about disinfectants and the other methods CDC says you can do when there's a boil water advisory you can go to the CDC's website.