Central Texas Food Bank in need of volunteers for mass distributions | FOX 7 Austin

Central Texas Food Bank in need of volunteers for mass distributions

The Central Texas Food Bank needs volunteers to help out with its mass food distributions taking place throughout this month.

In South Austin, dozens of volunteers were ready to go for the food distribution at Kipp School South Campus.

"It's a great day," said Michelle Lorino, a volunteer.

Volunteers handed out free food to those who are having trouble due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"It means a lot to me to help others out AND to be out here early in the morning to give back to help others. I was brought up to help other people no matter what, and people help you as well so it's a great cause," said Lorino.

Those who pulled up just popped open their trunk and received a box of food. An event meant to be no contact to keep everyone safe especially since Travis County has entered stage 5.

Close to 200 families were served at this event with many more planned for the month of August. The next distribution is set for Thursday, August 19 at Nelson Field on 7105 Berkman Dr from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Anyone interested in volunteering to support the Food Bank at this critical time should visit the Food Bank's website, centraltexasfoodbank.org, and click on "Volunteer" to sign up.

"I think there's a higher need than ever for these kinds of services," said Hannah Wingler, a volunteer.

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