Central Texas prepares for upcoming cold snap, TxDOT treating roads | FOX 7 Austin

Central Texas prepares for upcoming cold snap, TxDOT treating roads

Texas Department of Transportation trucks started pre-treating roads on Thursday. The application of a brine solution was focused mainly on major highways north of Belton.

With a Sunday night freeze in the forecast - warnings signs all across Central Texas should not be ignored. The advice for drivers Friday, if there is ice Sunday and Monday, from tow truck driver Richard Shields, is pretty simply.

"I want them to stay home to be honest with ya. I want them to think, these roads, you’re safe at home. Try not to drive, very minimal, but if you do, and you get in an accident we are there for ya," said Shields.

Hardware stores were busy Friday with people buying up items to weatherize their homes. The forecast had Bonnie Montgomery nervous.

"Cause we live in Texas, you never know, it might be hot today and freezing tomorrow," said Montgomery.

Montgomery remembers how her van was the family’s only source for heat back in February, when the winter storm shut down the state.

The lesson then was not forgotten.

"We have already made preparations, we’ve gone down and got propane tanks, the little ones, just to have some heat, and getting ready… and we are stocking up on foods that we can just open and eat," said Montgomery.

At Garden City in Belton, employees put up protective plastic on top of the nursery, in anticipation of the drop in temperature. They also have heaters ready to turn on. But there are other places that need this cold snap.

"Yeah, February is in our minds, the only prep we’ve already done is drain our irrigation lines for the vineyard," said Daniel Marek.

Marek, the co-owner of Thirsty Mule Winery is looking forward to cold air settling in on his Liberty Hill property. He told FOX7 lower temperatures bring more grapes that are used to make more juice for his steel fermenting vats.

"You need some days of freezing weather to actually get a good crop, just like your peach trees and pecan trees, so we look forward to the cold coming this way," said Marek.

This first chill isn't expected to last long. For those who are not prepared now can consider it as a reminder. Longer and colder days are not far away.

How to stay prepared in the event of another severe winter storm
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