Central Texas reaction to GOP health care plan

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With the Affordable Care Act on political life support, congressional Democrats like Lloyd Doggett are bracing for the final battle in the U.S. Senate. "The Bill is a real loser, it will simply have to be rejected or replaced with something else in the senate if we are to move forward,” said Rep. Doggett.

Congressman Doggett said the vote Thursday was reminiscent of the passage of the Affordable Care Act; with few reading the document before voting on it.

Officials with the Trump administration disputed that assessment. "The president is focused on getting it right not getting it fast, I think we saw the mistake that the Democrats made by trying to force it and rush this through,” said Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

During the November election, the issue of eliminating Obamacare helped Republicans. On Thursday, Democrats sang a taunt usually heard at sporting events predicting for a midterm ballot box back-lash for the GOP. "I believe there should be accountability and yes I think that some of our Republican colleagues who were swimming with sharks yesterday will not return,” said Doggett.

For Congressman Michael McCaul, his vote for the new plan was a fulfillment of a campaign pledge to repeal and replace. In his statement sent to FOX 7, McCaul said: "My vote for the AHCA is the first step towards building a stronger foundation for our nation's healthcare system."

Congressman John Carter described the new measure as: "An innovative plan that protects those with pre-existing conditions, lifts lifetime caps on medical care, expands health savings accounts, and allows dependents to stay on their parent's plan until they are 26 years old."

Congressman Lamar Smith stated: "This legislation allows for greater choice and puts Americans back in control of their health care."

On social media Rep. Roger Williams said the new plan "will begin to undo the damage that has been caused by obamacare. It will restore competition, bring down costs and increase options. All the while, it will protect our nations most vulnerable."

If the Republican plan fails to clear the Senate, Democrats like Lloyd Doggett say they will be willing to work on modifying the Affordable Care Act. "Yes, ObamaCare had a number of problems that needed correcting, but it’s no solution to replace it with nothing care,” said Doggett.

Two Senators from Texas also weighed in.

Senator John Cornyn stated that the status quo was unacceptable and that House plan sets a course to make health care more affordable and accessible. The statement from Senator Ted Cruz was more of a warning. He said Republicans must deliver on the promise to make health insurance more affordable and indicated that modifications will be made in the Senate to the House plan.