Christopher Taylor trial: Officer's written statement read aloud in court

On the fifth day of testimony, the state had a witness read aloud APD Officer Christopher Taylor’s written statement during his murder trial. 

This included insight into what Officer Taylor says he was thinking when he shot and killed Michael Ramos during a police encounter in 2020.

"Believe that Ramos had no other view of escape other than to try to drive through us [officers]," part of Officer Taylor's statement read.

That is what Officer Taylor says he was thinking moments before killing Michael Ramos on April 24, 2020. This information came in the form of a written statement submitted by Officer Taylor two weeks following the incident.

"I fired my rifle attempting to hit Ramos in the head to stop the deadly force threat," the statement continued.

The six-page statement was read aloud to the jury in full by former APD Detective Dan Mireles, the lead investigator for the 2020 officer involved shooting.

"I believe I fired three shots in total," part of Officer Taylor’s statement read.

According to the statement, Officer Taylor says he was well aware of Ramos from a past encounter he had with others officers where he evaded in a gold and black prius. 

Officer Taylor wrote he believed Ramos was once again going to flee and Officer Taylor believed that would injure officers.

"I perceived the action as the threat of death or serious bodily injury to myself and several other officers in the path of the vehicle," he said in the statement.


Before reading the statement, state attorney Rob Drummond had Mireles watch a digital recreation of Ramos taking off from officers that day in 2020. Drummond asked if the recreation showed any officers in proximity to Ramos and his vehicle when he drove off. Mireles replied with no.

Mireles testified he reached out to Officer Taylor's attorneys to set up an interview for May 8, 2020, which was about two weeks after the incident. He says the plan was to show Officer Taylor video from his dash camera and body camera as well as one addition responding officer’s body camera. After he watched the video, Mireles wanted to conduct a verbal interview.

He says Officer Taylor's lawyers watched the video without Taylor in the room. Afterward, they eventually handed Mireles the written six-page statement instead of having Taylor do a verbal interview.

It was a series of moves Mireles said deviated from normal procedure

Mireles says he did not come to a determination in this case. He told the jury his job was to gather and present the facts for a grand jury.

The defense will get their chance to cross-examine Mireles first thing Monday, Oct. 30.