City of Austin implementing new way to deter Zebra Mussels from water treatment plants

A construction contract was approved by Austin City Council on Thursday that will build new systems to deter the invasion of Zebra Mussels.

All three water treatment plants in the city will receive Copper Ion Generator systems to replace older Copper Sulfate feed systems, the city says. These new systems will use electricity and copper electrodes to release copper ions into raw water pipelines, eliminating the need to deliver, handle and store large amounts of copper sulfate chemicals onsite. 

The city says adding copper ions to raw water is the beginning of the process of keeping Zebra Mussels from entering and affecting the infrastructure of water treatment plants. Before finished drinking water is sent to customers, the treatment process removes the copper ions. 

"The Copper Ion Generator systems will provide a sustainable, long-term approach for fighting off the effects of this invasive species in our drinking water systems," said Robert Goode, Interim Director of Austin Water. "This enhancement will improve the resiliency of our infrastructure, so that the treatment process continues to be reliable and effective in producing water of the highest quality for our customers."

Zebra Mussels are an invasive species that attaches to surfaces such as grates, screens, pipes, valves, boats and more. They can interfere with water treatment processes by increasing the amount of energy needed to pump water, and they also affect water taste and odor. 

The city says construction on the Copper Ion Generator systems is scheduled to begin in the next few months and is estimated to be completed by winter of 2023.