City of Austin to move into Stage 2 Water Restrictions on Tuesday

The ongoing drought is forcing the City of Austin to move into Stage 2 water restrictions.

The move comes as Lake Travis and Lake Buchanan water levels continue to drop.

The new restrictions will begin Tuesday, August 15.

Under Stage 2 restrictions:

  • Automatic irrigation and hose-end watering is restricted to one day per week.
  • Automatic irrigation runtime is reduced by 3 hours with cutoff at 5 a.m. instead of 8 a.m.
  • Water waste is prohibited.
  • Restaurants may serve water only upon request.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited, and home car washing must use an auto-shut-off valve or a bucket.
  • Patio misters at commercial properties, including restaurants and bars, may operate only between 4 p.m. and midnight.
  • Large ornamental fountains can no longer be operated.
  • New landscape-establishment irrigation is no longer exempt from the watering schedule.

Austin Water says it will investigate reported non-compliance received via Austin 3-1-1 and water waste patrols. Failing to follow watering restrictions could result in fines of up to $1,000 per violation. To report a violation, call 3-1-1 or use the 3-1-1 mobile app.

For complete details about the Austin Water drought response, visit
