Class Act: Kids Feeding Kids in Manor ISD | FOX 7 Austin

Class Act: Kids Feeding Kids in Manor ISD

A middle school teacher with Manor ISD is working with students to help them feed other students in need.

Donna Mitchell is an eighth-grade science teacher at Decker Middle School and is also in charge of the Kids Feeding Kids program, essentially an in-class food bank.

"I'm a teacher - yes, I know kids are needy and I know that people aren't as well off as other people," Mitchell said. "But, I never knew that the need for the food - was as important as it is."

Mitchell started the program in 2018 and this year, she's enlisted the help of about 15 students, including eighth-graders Saniya Rivera and Meilani Satele.

"When you're feeding the kids, you have to think about oh what would they like," Rivera said. "What would they want? And, how much do they need."

"It really warms my heart to be honest, because it's a nice feeling to know because of this program - I'm able to help the students who are less fortunate," Satele said.

Each Wednesday and Thursday, they bag up food donated by the community, sending them home every Friday with about 30 students in need, including eighth-grader Emanual Clark and seventh-grader Maricela Govea, who's touched by the generosity of Mitchell and her fellow students.

The students who volunteer with Kids Feeding Kids say Mitchell is an inspiration and the world needs more teachers like her.

Monetary and food donations for the Kids Feeding Kids program can be made by calling Decker Middle School.

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