Cold weather shelters activated in Austin for Tuesday, Dec. 10
AUSTIN, Texas - The City of Austin has activated its cold weather shelters for Tuesday night.
The city says temperatures are forecast to dip into the mid-30s overnight on Tuesday (Dec. 10) into Wednesday morning (Dec. 11), so the shelters are being activated for those needing overnight shelter.
Individuals can get information about access and activation by calling the Cold Weather Shelter Hotline at 512-972-5055.
How to access a Cold Weather Shelter
Registration for shelter will occur between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. at One Texas Center (OTC), 505 Barton Springs Road, which will act as the central embarkation point for individuals seeking an overnight shelter.
CapMetro bus routes to OTC are lines: 1, 7, 10, 20, 30, 105, 142, 801. Anyone seeking cold weather shelter and does not have the means to pay the fare will still be given a ride.
An after-hours embarkation service will also be available for those seeking transportation to a shelter outside the embarkation period.
What to know about Cold Weather Shelters
- Guests can bring their belongings as long as they can transport them to the OTC and onto a CapMetro Bus.
- Pets are allowed if they are not aggressive, can be around others, on a leash, and can sleep with their owners. If a pet needs a crate for the evening at the shelter, guests should inform staff at the OTC when registering.
- Meals will be provided.
- Women and couples can be in the same shelter but in a separate area, as capacity allows.
- Hotel vouchers will be provided for families with children and unaccompanied minors seeking shelter during activation periods.
How is it determined when to activate Cold Weather Shelters?
The City's Homeless Strategy Office determines when to activate cold weather shelters in Austin no later than 9 a.m. each day.
The office uses National Weather Service projections for Camp Mabry. and will activate shelters if the forecast predicts:
- 32 degrees or colder overnight, or
- 35 degrees or colder overnight with precipitation, or
- 35 degrees or colder with a wind chill of 32 or colder
The City has communicated with community partners that work directly with Austin's homeless population, as well as directly with homeless individuals registered with the City's text alert system.
Residents are encouraged to follow for emergency information updated in multiple languages.
The Source: Information in this report comes from the City of Austin.