Covington boy starts campaign to help homeless

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A 7-year-old boy from Covington started a campaign to help the homeless around Metro Atlanta.

Jacob Stone calls the campaign Razor Waffles Cutting into Hunger.

So far he has raised $1,565 of his $10,000 goal.

With the money he is preparing backpacks with sleeping bags, gloves, socks, hats, and other goods.

As of February 2, Jacob and his team have packed over 50 bags.

Jacob decided to start the campaign after a mission trip through Little 5 Points. His group passed out goods to people in need.

"When I returned home from the trip, I felt like I needed to do it again," explained Stone.

He felt a sense of accomplishment after seeing the people he was helping.

"It's just the right thing to do." he said.

Why the name Razor Waffles? Jacob said he just came up with the name out of the blue.

He hopes his online campaign will catch attention, gather donations, and inspire others to help in their community.

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