Man killed in Austin officer-involved shooting tried to light gas station on fire: APD | FOX 7 Austin

Man killed in Austin officer-involved shooting tried to light gas station on fire: APD

Austin police said the driver of a stolen car went into a store, tried to light a fire while employees were inside, and refused to come out in southeast Austin.

The standoff lasted for hours and ended with an officer-involved shooting and killing the suspect.

Officers swarmed the Texaco gas station in Southeast Austin on Tuesday, May 21. This came after police said they spotted a stolen car at the intersection of Salt Springs Drive and Thaxton Drive, prompting the driver to flee into the store.

"As officers entered the store to make contact with the suspect, they observed the suspect had a gun and gave the suspect commands to drop the gun. When the suspect did not comply, officers backed out of the store," said Austin police Interim Chief Robin Henderson.

MORE: Suspect killed in SWAT call-turned officer-involved shooting in Southeast Austin

Police said an employee was able to get out of the store, but another employee was trapped in an office. The SWAT team was called for assistance, and additional agencies also responded to the scene.

"Officers observed the suspect pacing inside the store with a gun in his hand. Officers also observed the suspect pouring lighter fluid on the counter and hearing him make suicidal threats," said Henderson.

According to APD, negotiators on the scene tried to get the suspect out of the store. Pepper ball rounds were also fired.

"At several points during the incident the suspect fired his gun at officers," said Henderson.

APD says the suspect refused to come out of the store and began making a dangerous fire-causing device.

"Officers determined the suspect's incendiary device, especially if used in the area where the suspect poured the lighter fluid, posed an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to the employee who still trapped inside the store," said Henderson. 

Around 5 p.m., an officer shot the suspect.

"Immediately thereafter, officers extracted the uninjured employee from the store and officers secured the suspect and medical aid was rendered, the suspect was transferred to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased," said Henderson.

Austin police said there were no officers or others injured. 

The officer who killed the suspect is on administrative duty.

Southeast AustinCrime and Public Safety