Dramatic rescue video shows Macomb deputies save driver having medical emergency

Dramatic new police video released by the Macomb County Sheriff's Office isn't action movie — it’s a real life rescue.

Video shows Deputy Nicole Miron leaping from her moving squad car — into another vehicle to help a driver having a medical emergency.

"I don’t think I even hit the side of the truck or anything," she said. "I did a clear jump in, and put the vehicle in park, and here we are."

On September 12th, Miron was in the passenger seat with Deputy Anthony Gross, driving.

Gross is a trainee — his second week on the job — when they responded to reports of a car driving eratically down Gratiot came in.

"He wasn’t responding when we were trying to pull him over, the lights, the sirens, nothing like that," Miron said. "As we got on the side, you could see he was in a daze, he was an elderly gentleman."

The car was going slowly — but they didn't have much time.

"We’ve got to stop him before 16 Mile," she said. "He’s already gone through a couple red lights passing through Herrington."

That’s when Deputy Miron realized: "I’m going through, I’m going to have to jump over there."

"I was just looking at his driver mirror and my passenger mirror and just tried to line it up that way," Gross said. "Luckily everybody else was dispersing because we had our lights and sirens on."

Deputy Gross’ driving was perfect, and it allowed Deputy Miron to lean out the window — and tried to use her window punch.  Luckily, the driver was able to roll his window down.

Then came the leap and rescue.

FOX 2: "How did it feel afterward?"

"Like wow we just did that, that just happened?" Gross said. "But in the moment, I was just so focused and wanting to make sure everything was going to be alright."

Sheriff Anthony Wickersham couldn't be happier with their bravery.

"I proud of both of them and proud of all the men and women that work here for the sheriff's office," he said. "Because every day they’re willing to think on their feet jump into action without hesitation."

Even if that jump — is literal.

The driver received medical attention and is recovering.

Deputy Anthony Gross, left, was driving, and Deputy Nicole Miron leaped from the police cruiser. 


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