Dripping Springs launches new website to prepare for upcoming solar eclipses

With two upcoming solar eclipses, the city of Dripping Springs has launched a new website to help residents, businesses and visitors be prepared.

The city will experience two solar eclipses over the next nine months: an annual solar eclipse on Oct. 14 and a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.

Total solar eclipses are rare and only happen in the same place approximately once every 375 years, making April 8 a once-in-a-lifetime event in the Hill Country.

Dripping Springs will be in the totality of the April eclipse for three minutes and can expect a significant number of visitors looking to experience this astronomical phenomena.

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(City of Dripping Springs)

The city has established a community eclipse task force, which has been meeting monthly to ensure that all areas of the City are as prepared as possible. 

The new comprehensive website is part of the task force's focus on community education and includes: 

  • Information for residents, businesses, and visitors to help them prepare and plan
  • An event form, so any business can have their eclipse-related event added to the website
  • A way to sign up for a periodic eclipse newsletter
  • Eclipse commemorative items for sale, including T-shirts and stickers, along with approved safe eclipse-viewing sunglasses
  • Information on an Eclipse Ambassador program where organizations can request an eclipse representative to speak to their group

The eclipse task force includes representatives from the City, Dripping Springs Visitors Bureau, Dripping Springs Chamber of Commerce, Dripping Springs ISD, North Hays County Fire & Rescue Department, North Hays EMS, and more. 

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For more information on the website or eclipse planning in the City of Dripping Springs, email eclipse@cityofdrippingsprings.com or call 512-858-4725.

Dripping SpringsAir and Space