Election Day 2023: Some Central Texas voters waited over an hour at polling locations | FOX 7 Austin

Election Day 2023: Some Central Texas voters waited over an hour at polling locations

Some Central Texans casting their ballot Tuesday found themselves waiting in long lines. Moments before polls closed at 7 p.m., there were eight polling locations in Travis County reporting wait times of close to an hour.

The longest lines FOX 7 cameras found were on the University of Texas at Austin campus. At the Flawn Academic Center, there were more than 250 voters waiting in line around 5 p.m. Tuesday. 

Some of them said they’d been waiting for more than an hour.

"Almost an hour now and maybe another 30 minutes based on what we just did," said Meagan Hennig.


"I do think there should be more voting spots open on campus. I think that would help with the lines," said Mahreen Ali.

"I came to vote last year. I was hoping it would be shorter, because it wasn't as big of an election as last year," said Ellie Nix.

Some UT voters blamed the consolidation of two on-campus polling places into one since last year, but UT wasn’t the only spot where lines were long. Some voting locations in Round Rock, Manor as well as North Austin, South Austin and East Austin, also reported long wait times, especially toward the end of the day.

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