ERCOT asking Texans to conserve electricity today due to high demand

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) is asking Texans to voluntarily conserve electricity on Monday, July 11 from 2-8 p.m.

ERCOT issued the Conservation Appeal due to the extremely hot weather driving record power demand across the state. 

A Watch for a projected reserve capacity shortage has also been issued for Monday. ERCOT says no system-wide outages are expected.

To help reduce electricity use during peak times, residents are encouraged to turn up their thermostats by one to two degrees and postpone running any major appliances or pool pumps, according to the Public Utility Commission (PUC). Click here to view more conservation tips from the PUC.

ERCOT says it will continue to use all resources available to effectively and reliably manage the grid. This includes using reserve power and calling on large electric customers who have volunteered to lower their energy use. 

The heat wave in Texas combined with low wind dampening wind generation are main factors in ERCOT's decision to issue the Conservation Appeal.

How to track electricity demand

  • View daily peak demand forecast, current load, and available generation at
  • Follow ERCOT on Twitter (@ERCOT_ISO) and Facebook (Electric Reliability Council of Texas).
  • Sign up for the ERCOT mobile app (available for download at the Apple App Store and Google Play).
  • Subscribe to the EmergencyAlerts list on